International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics
Previous IACMAG Award Winners
Outstanding Contributions Medal
W.D. Liam Finn (Canada)
T. Kawamoto (Japan)
Special National Award
Pan Jiazheng (China)
Appreciation for Organization of 9 IACMAG Conference
Jian-Xin Yuan and Coworkers
Significant Papers
(a) Computational and Analytical - Theory
A.P.S. Selvadurai
“The Settlement of Rigid Circular Foundation,” Int. J. Num. & Analyt. Methods in Geomech., 20, 5 (1996)
H.R. Thomas and C.L.W. Li M.M.
“Modeling Transient Heat and Moisture Transfer in Unsaturated Soil Using a Parallel Computing Approach,” Int. J. Num. and Analyt. Methods in Geomech., 19, 5 (1995)
M. Zaman and A. Alvapillai
“Contact Element Model for Dynamic Analysis of Joined Concrete Pavements,” ASCE Transportation Journal, 121, 5 (1995)
(b) Computational and Analytical - Applications
M. Dolezalova
“On Over Estimation of Displacements in Numerical Calculation of Zoned Dams,” Int. J. Num. and Analyt. Methods in Geomech., 18, 1 (1994)
S. Valliappan, M. Yazdedu and N. Khalili
“Earthquake Analysis of Gravity Dam Based on Damage Mechanics Concept,” Int. J. Num. and Analyt. Methods in Geomech., 20, 10 (1996)
L.D. Ta and J.C. Small
“Analysis of Piled Raft Systems in Layered Soil,” Int. J. Num. and Anal. Methods in Geomech., 20, 1 (1996)
(c) Constitutive Laws
G.N. Pande and S. Pietrusczak
“On the Mechanical Response of Saturated Cemented Materials, Part 1 and Part 2,” Int. J. Num. and Anal. Methods in Geomech., 2, 19 (1995)
T. Adachi and F. Oka
“An Elastoplastic Constitutive Model for Soft Rock with Strain Softening,” Int. J. Num. and Anal. Methods in Geomech., 19, 4 (1995)
C.S. Desai, K.G. Sharma, G.W. Wathugala and D.B. Rigby
“Implementation of Hierarchical Single Surface d0 and d1 in Finite Element Procedure,” Int. J. Num. and Anal. Methods in Geomechs., 15 (1991)
(d) Significant Contribution by Junior Researchers
Y. Abousleiman, A.H.D. Cheng, L. Cui, G. Detourney and J.C. Roegiers
“ Mandel’s Problem Revisited,” Geotechnique, 46, 2 (1997)