International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics
Due Date: The last date for receipt of nominations by IACMAG is 30 April, 2020.
Nominations and applications are now invited for the following awards to be presented by IACMAG:
1. Outstanding Contributions Medal;
2. Chandrakant S. Desai Medal;
3. John Booker Medal;
4. Excellent Regional Contributions Award;
5. Excellent Paper Awards for Junior Researchers (max 45 years old), usually for papers published in the International Journal of Geomechanics (IJOG) and other appropriate journals in Geotechnical Engineering/Geomechanics, including those published by the ASCE; and
6. John Carter Award (for junior researchers who are less than 5 years from their PhD graduation).
The criteria for these awards are set out below.
Nominations for awards 1 – 4 should include a one-page nomination letter supported by a detailed description of the outstanding contributions made by the nominee in research and/or professional service. The latter should not exceed 3 pages in length.
For the Excellent Paper Awards and the John Carter Award, a one-page nomination letter should be accompanied by a copy of the relevant paper, which should have been published during the years 2017-2020 (inclusive). Nominations for the John Carter Award should also include the date of PhD graduation, and a copy of the resume of the nominee including a list of papers published in refereed journals.
All nominations should be sent by email to John.Carter@newcastle.edu.au or submitted via the
They should be submitted in Word or pdf format, as this will facilitate transmitting them to the relevant subcommittees considering the awards.
Please note that self-nominations will not be accepted.
These awards will be presented at the time of the 16th IACMAG Conference to be held in Torino, Italy, 11-4 July, 2020.
Outstanding Contributions Medal
Recognises individuals who have made outstanding and seminal research contributions in geomechanics for a longer period of time, which have been adopted for basic research and practical applications. Consideration is given also to academic and professional contributions.
Chandrakant S. Desai Medal
Recognises individuals who have made significant contributions in research, and education in geomechanics. The areas include constitutive modelling, testing, computer methods and applications in geomechanics. Consideration would be given to non-traditional approaches such as a combination of basic and practical aspects, multidisciplinary effort, integration of research and teaching, etc.
John Booker Medal
Recognises individuals who have made significant contributions in research in geomechanics for nonlinear and time-dependent problems including analytical and computational methods, constitutive modelling, consolidation, and contaminant transport. Consideration is given to mathematical rigour and elegance that leads to fundamental understanding and insight into engineering and physical phenomena.
Note: A nominator may choose to specify any or all of the three awards listed immediately above. In the latter case, the nominee may be considered for all three awards but may receive a maximum of only one award in the current round. The selection committee reserves the right to allocate any of these three awards to an individual nominated for any or all of them. Please also note the nomination exclusions listed below for the Booker and Desai medals.
Regional Awards: Excellent Contributions
These awards are given to individuals who have a record of significant contributions in research, academic activities and professional service in different regions of the globe. Since these awards are presented every three to four years, more than one award may be considered in this category.
Excellent Paper Award to Individuals (45 years of age and under)
Recognises excellent research contributions published through refereed paper(s) in archived journals. The basic aspects of the nominated research should be of high quality and may be in a wide range of subjects in geomechanics/geotechnics, including areas such as analytical or numerical methods, constitutive modelling and testing, and important practical geotechnical applications.
John Carter Award
Recognises a recent PhD graduate who has demonstrated outstanding research potential in Geomechanics through her/his work published in refereed journals. The researcher must have graduated with a PhD degree less than 5 years prior to the closing date of the applications.
Selection Procedure: Special committee(s) will be established by the President of IACMAG to review the nominations and provide recommendations.
Exclusions: Recipients of the Desai Medal at the previous IACMAG Conference are ineligible for nomination for the Booker Medal at the following IACMAG Conference. Similarly, recipients of the Booker Medal at the previous IACMAG Conference are ineligible for nomination for the Desai Medal at the following IACMAG Conference.
Due Date: The last date for receipt of nominations by IACMAG is 1 July, 2017.