International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics
Foundation of IACMAG
Based on the deliberations at the 6th international Conference on Numerical Methods in Geomechanics at Innsbruck, Austria, in 1988, the International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics (IACMAG) was established. This association grew out of the “International Committee on Numerical Methods in Geomechanics” that was established in 1976, founded largely due to the initiative of Dr Chandrakant Desai and colleagues. It has organized successful international conferences approximately every three to four years since then.
Geomechanics: a multi-disciplinary science
Geomechanics is an interdisciplinary area that involves the study of natural and man-made systems with emphasis on the mechanics of various interacting phenomena. It comprises aspects of various engineering and scientific disciplines such as civil, mechanical, hydraulic, materials, and geological engineering and geophysics, with appropriate scientific foundations in mechanics and physics. Some of the specific subjects involved are: soil and rock mechanics, statics and dynamics of interacting structures and foundations, oil and fluid flow through porous media, environmental geotechnology, offshore and marine technology, geothermal energy and ice mechanics.
Geomechanics: an integration of old and innovative technologies
Geomechanics covers both fundamental and practical aspects, and recognizes the need for a rational process of simplification through integration of theory, experiments and verification for the development of procedures for solution of practical industrial problems. Geomechanics, with emphasis on both basic and applied aspects, and its interdisciplinary nature, is capable of participation in and integration of emerging scientific and technological developments so as to contribute in a wide range of areas. These include: development and usage of new materials; constitutive modeling of materials including deformation, damage and failure; verification of existing and new constitutive models ; micro-macro correlation of material response including non-destructive testing; new techniques for material and site characterization; computer aided engineering and expert system; innovative construction using new materials and computer methods; design and rehabilitation of infrastructure; use of system and optimization procedures; and remote sensing. Thus geomechanics has potential for developing innovative technologies, and providing challenging careers to outstanding people.