International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics
Previous IACMAG Award Winners
Outstanding Contributions Medal
Qiang Yang (China)
Devendra Narain Singh (India)
Chandrakant S. Desai Medal
Olivier Buzzi (Australia)
Jianfu Shao (France)
John Booker Medal
George Kouretzis (Australia)
B.K. Maheshwari (India)
Excellent Contributions (Regional)
Feng Dai (China
Anna Giacomini (Australia)
Pijush Samui (India)
Yang Xiao (China)
Excellent Paper: Junior
(* Nominated Awardee)
Giridhar Rajesh Bande* and Deepankar Choudhury
"Generalized seismic active thrust on a retaining wall with submerged backfill using a modified pseudo-dynamic method", Int. J. Geomech., 2017, 17(3): 06016023-1-10.
Hongyang Cheng*, Takayuki Shuku, Klaus Thoeni, Pamela Tempone, Stefan Luding and Vanessa Magnanimo
"An iterative Bayesian filtering framework for fast and automated calibration of DEM models", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 350, 268–294, 2019.
J. Teng*, F. Shan, Z. He, S. Zhang, G. Zhao and D. Sheng
"Experimental study of ice accumulation in unsaturated clean sand", Géotechnqiue, 69(3): 251-259, 2019.
"X-FEM Modeling of Multizone Hydraulic Fracturing Treatments within Saturated Porous Media", Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering (2018) 51:3219–3239.
Xue Zhang*, Scott W.Sloan, ChetVignes and DaichaoSheng
"A modification of the phase-field model for mixed mode crack propagation in rock-like materials", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 322: 123-136, 2017.
"Developing a four-dimensional lattice spring model for mechanical responses of solids", Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 315 (2017) 881–895.
John Carter Award
Chao Jiang (China)
Ashutosh Kumar (India)
Thanh Trung Nguyen (Australia)
Ramin Pakzad (Australia)
Huanran Wu (China)
Xinyu Ye (China)